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Politics and Society

Doronina, O. N. Judicial Protection of Basic Rights and Freedoms of the Person and the Citizen in the System of State Protection of Rights and Freedoms of the Person and Citizen in Russia and Post-Socialistic States of Europe

Abstract: Based on the comparative analysis of constitutional legislations in the Russian Federation and post- Socialistic States of Europe, the author of the article specifi es the place of judicial authorities in the system of state protection of human rights and freedoms. The author describes the forms of organization of judicial authority and their infl uence on the results of human rights work performed by the courts. The article also analyzes the principles of court proceedings and their implementation in court practice when presiding cases of violation of human rights by state and self-government authorities.


studies of law, judicial, protection, rights, human, comparative science of law, judicial system, constitutional principles, effi ciency.

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