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Politics and Society

Kachushkin, S. V. The Relation between the Notions ‘Civil Service’ and ‘Civil Offi cer’

Abstract: The article considers and analyzes the terms ‘civil service’, ‘civil offi cer’ and ‘offi cial’. The author of the article draws our attention at the fact that the term ‘offi cial’ is not used in our legislation. The author analyzes the legislative defi nitions of civil offi ce and civil offi cer from the point of view of their relation with the theoretical notions used in different conceptions of civil service (in private law and public law). The author also analyzes the ‘wide’ and ‘narrow’ theoretical and legislative defi nitions of civil service and compares them to the defi nitions of civil offi cer. The article well shows the need in differentiation between the legal status of state public offi ce and the status of offi ce (position) in civil offi ce. Based on this analysis the author makes suggestions on how to improve the legal regulation of state civil service in the Russian Federation.


civil service, civil offi cer, state civil offi ce, conceptions, position in civil offi ce, state offi ce, legal status, legal regulation.

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