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Politics and Society

Bitieva, Z. R. Analysis of Peculiarities of Financing of Political Parties at Northern Caucasus

Abstract: The article is devoted to political parties. The goal of the article is to study peculiaritie of financing of political parties in the republics of Northern Caucasus. The Federal Law ‘Concerning Political Parties’ dated July 11, 2011 provides that political parties can be financed by federal funds. The author of the article considers different sources of financing of the parties including state and public financing. The latter includes not only membership fees but also financing by legal entities, private companies and business executives. The author gives statistics of financial statements of political parties about collection of membership fees as well as studies the materials of journalistic investigations which show that practically all political parties which are on the political arena now, have been traditionally funded by major financial and industrial groups. However, the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia is an exception, because its financial statement shows only membership fees. Financing of political parties in Caucasus has its own peculiarities caused by their lifestyle and traditions. Therefore, the author concludes that the system of membership fees is very weak or does not exist at all. State financing is not always the best, either. As a result, parties often have to rely on sponsors which often lead to people buying a deputy’s seat out of their own purposes. It all causes disappointments in political parties and reluctance to participate in elections.


political science, party, financing, North, Caucasus, Republics, Elections, Candidates, Deputies, Parliament.

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