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Politics and Society
Afanasiev, A. D. (2011). Development of Typological Characteristics of Textbooks in 1917-1980. Politics and Society, 5.
Afanasiev, A. D. Development of Typological Characteristics of Textbooks in 1917-1980Abstract: In article the author considers development of typological characteristics of the educational literature for the higher school in 1917-1980th. The analysis of development of typology of the educational book carried out by the author, shows that it developed in the general logic of social and economic development of the country and book business in the whole. During the considered period the typology of the educational book was issued in harmonous system of types and kinds of the educational book, there is a search of specifying typological signs of the textbook and the manual, allowing to demarcate these two concepts. However in transition of national economy to market conditions of managing release of the educational literature for an education system and for the higher school, in particular, has been disregarded supervising and coordinating controls by formation that has affected decrease in quality of the let out literature. In the conditions of transfer of vocational training into two-level system of a professional training, the role of uchebno- methodical support of educational process where one of dominant roles is played by the educational literature which coordination of release will make positive impact on quality of preparation of experts raises. Keywords: the Control system, the educational literature, book publishing, preparation of experts, quality of the educational literature, security of educational process, the educational book, the higher school, book publishing regulation.
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