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Politics and Society

Akopov G.L. The Infl uence of Internet Network Community on Democratization Processes in Modern Russia

Abstract: In the modern society for many citizens Internet has become a way of satisfaction of any requirement for removal of restrictions from possibility to operate. Using the modern technologies of communication (by means of service of instant messages or Internet voting), the real possibilities of involving in process of acceptance of signifi - cant political decisions of almost all active citizens that creates conditions for original and effective national control over activity of the state and municipal authorities are given. The people thereby, can carry out the political power and realize political will directly. The communication between the political elite and the people, an interaction of political leaders with “Internet network” community most adequately corresponds to the principles of democracy and is capable to strengthen the political stability. Thus, new technologies of electronic communications infer democracy on a higher qualitative level, giving not only possibility for information interchange and direct access to it, but also just narrowing possibilities of existence of authoritative modes of board.


democracy, the Internet, civil society, political elite, the people, network society.

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