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Politics and Society

Gorkunova, P. I. Russian Orthodox Church as a Factor of Social Stability and Security in Modern Russia.

Abstract: Ongoing positive changes in Russia connected with reconstruction of our state institution in economic, political and social spheres do not fully involve modern spiritual living bases of the society. It creates a certain threat and obstacles for Russia in keeping its unique place in the world and building a stable democratic society protected from destructive influence of other cultures. Despite the fact that the government undertakes the greater part of social and political functions in the process of building a secularized society, there still remain powerful religious organizations which can decently perform the government’s functions. Teaching us moral ideals and thereby solving serious social conflicts, religion has always been the most important element of social security. This is why the Russian Orthodox Church assistance in the process of solving the acutest social issues is the basic requirement for economic health of the country and political stability.


political science, church, state institution, society, doctrine, security, stability, medicine, prison, education

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