Politics and Society
Istomin, V.Y.
Middle class in Russia:
specifi c features of its way of life
at the modern stage of modernization.
// Politics and Society.
2010. № 8.
URL: https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=53606
Istomin, V.Y. Middle class in Russia:
specifi c features of its way of life
at the modern stage of modernization.
In this article, based on sociological studies, the author
attempts to study the conditions, which infl uence the way
of life of the middle class. Much attention is paid to mass
media and their infl uence on professional and status
groups among the targeted audiences, taking as an example
middle class in Volgograd.
social studies, middle class, way of life, style of life, value, information society, mass media, modernization, stratifi cation territory, societal type of society