Politics and Society
Akilova, M. M.
Modern Eurasian and Tajikistan: Part and Whole
// Politics and Society.
2010. № 6.
URL: https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=53590
Akilova, M. M. Modern Eurasian and Tajikistan: Part and Whole
In this article we consider the problem of globalism and the Eurasian as integrity and treated as part of Tajikistan. Proposed today Eurasian, as integrity, is not based on statehood, even bearing in mind the CIS, as a more or less weak expression. Today the integration of the Eurasian character is only possible on the basis of equality of peoples without restrictions on the sovereignty of countries. In Tajikistan, perhaps, there are own understanding of Eurasian with Tajik specificity. The key to the Tajik specificity is to preserve the sovereignty of Tajikistan in the new integrity, which must differ from the Eurasian statistic understood, that is, Eurasian, based on a new supranational statehood
Eurasian, globalism, atlantism, the theoretical basis for Eurasian, Common Eurasian nationalism, the Eurasian movement, the concept of open society, national interests, atlantist model of globalization, the Eurasian ideology, the globalization of the econ