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Politics and Society

Ivanov, I. M. Economic Integration and State Sovereignty

Abstract: The end of the 20th century created favorable conditions for speeding up the process of the economic integration. The questions of economic sovereignty of a government moved to the forefront. The doctrine of the international law contains the basic principles of realization of the state sovereignty. Thus, sovereignty is both a principle, status, particular feature of a government and type of relationships with the other subjects of the international law. According to the author of the article, the supranationality conception of international organizations contradicts to the main idea of the international law because there can’t be any ‘supreme power’ controlling the initial subjects of the law, — countries’ governments. Not a single international organization has ever issued a consistent act (convention or a deed of foundation) which would even hint at its supranationality nature.


political sciences, integration, sovereignty, regionalization, globalization, supranationality, international law, state, law, economics

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