Politics and Society
Savelieva, V.M.
On the issue on definition and substantial clauses
of contracts, to which state is a party.
// Politics and Society.
2009. № 5.
URL: https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=53463
Savelieva, V.M. On the issue on definition and substantial clauses
of contracts, to which state is a party.
The article is devoted to a large and topical issue of partnership
between state and private entities (SPEP). The municipal and state bodies are much interested in SPEP, so are the consulting companies, both in Russia and abroad. The author reviews types of SPEP, pays much attention
to its contractual forms — concession agreement and agreement on division of products, analyzes them in detail based on their functional contents.
Keywords: jurisprudence, concession, investor, state, private, partnership, entrepreneur, SPEP