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Politics and Society

Pershin, E.V., Pargacheva, I.P. Another modernization of the Council of Federation: final stage or temporary option?

Abstract: The article is devoted to analysis of Federal Law, which changes the order of formation of a Council of Federation. The authors point out positive and negative elements of new law, and their possible influence on the law-enforcement practice. It is supposed that a new order of formation of the Council will provide for higher level of legitimacy of senators. However, lack of detail in the law may bring the efficiency down to zero. The lack of unified understanding of society as a whole may bring all of these to nothing, and even after 15 years the system of state government is far from optimum. Keywords: political science, Parliament, Council of Federation, members of Council of Federation, legislative bodies of state power, constituent subjects of Russian Federation, constitutional law, legislation, parliamentary procedures, local municipal government

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