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Politics and Society

Zabelina, M., Zaitseva, Y., Chivragova, M. Ecological policy of the European Union and its relation to other spheres of European policy. Review on the book by Nele Dhondt. Integration of Environmental Protection into other EC Policies. Groningen: Europa Law Publiscing, 2003. 525 S.

Abstract: The book by Nele Dhondt, which is reviewed in this article, is a detailed stuy of the problems of interweaving of the ecological policy with other policies of the European Union in the light of integration of the environmental needs under the Art. 6 of the European Union Treaty. This book provides us with the analysis of how ecological requirements may and should be considered when the policies in such spheres as agriculture, transportation, power industry (the spheres which account for much of the environmental polution, along with the chemical industry and metal industry) are implemented. Considering that this particular aspect was not sufficently studied in Russia the book is of much interest for the Russian readers.

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