Politics and Society
Dumanov, H.M., Perschits, A.I.
At the source of exploitation relations.
// Politics and Society.
2006. № 4.
P. 96-99.
URL: https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=53035
Dumanov, H.M., Perschits, A.I. At the source of exploitation relations.
This article by Professors H.M. Dumanov and A.I. Perschits contains an evaluation of various forms of primitive exploitation, such as home slavery, various ways of exploitation of community members by the community members of the higher status, payment of tribute. As the authors note, all of these forms of primitive exploitation can be found in various societies of Melanesia Tropical Africa, South and North America, and Northern Siberia, which are at the same level of social and economic development - the time when the primitive communal order starts to disintegrate, so the issue of the historical correlation of these forms of primitive exploitation is quite topical.