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Law and Politics

Antropov R.V., Antropova N.A. Prussian model of legal personnel training as the foundation of the modern legal education in Germany

Abstract: The subject of this research is the process of establishment and development of legal education in Germany coupled with the cultural-historical and political-legal factors; impact of the Prussian tradition of legal personnel training upon formation of the all-German system of legal education; peculiarities of the extramural practical education of lawyers in legal clerkship (Referendariat); final exam on eligibility for judges seat; ways of insertion of the Western system of legal education and German jurisprudence into Russia; as well as structure of the existing German traditional legal education. The results of this work consist in the following: determination of the main prerequisites of emergence and historical reorganization of the system of German legal education; demonstration of the dependence of professional training of legal personnel upon the changing demands of German state and society; revelation of the historical roots of the German law school; examination of specificities of evolution of the forms and methods of lawyers in organizational-legal and informative aspects; introduction of the original works in the area of German legal education in historical retrospective into the Russian scientific discourse. The author highlights the positive experience of the German system of traditional training of legal personnel under the conditions of the so-called “Bologna Process”. The main conclusion lies in the thesis that namely Prussian system of preparation of highly qualified legal personnel comprises the foundation of the modern German legal education, which Germany is unwilling to abandon even in the conditions of «Bolonization» and integration of the European higher school.


Bologna Process, Prussian model of training, Genesis of training, Normative foundations of education, Analysis of sources, System of exams, Practical education of lawyers, University preparation of lawyers, Legal education, Germany

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