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Law and Politics
Teslenko A.V. (2016). To the question of addressee of knowingly false report: comparative legal analysis of the Russian, European, and U. S. legislations. Law and Politics, 12, 1466–1472.
Teslenko A.V. To the question of addressee of knowingly false report: comparative legal analysis of the Russian, European, and U. S. legislationsAbstract: The subject of this research is the addressee of knowingly false reports of a crime or an individual committing it, since designation of such addressee does not exist in the Russian Criminal Code (Article 306). A special attention is given to the scientific discourse on this issue, which has gone on for several years. The author carefully examines different versions of branches and officials to which a knowingly false report should be directed in order to qualify the crime according to Article 306 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, suggested by the Russian legal experts. The author justifies the proposal to introduce changes in the disposition of the Article 306 of the CCRF pertaining to the department for handling knowingly false reports. It is proposed to express the disposition of the Part 1 of the Article 306 of the CCRF in the following way: “knowingly false report to an agency or an official authorized to carry out criminal investigation and/or enforce law, and equally the court on commission of a crime”. Keywords: legal authorities, false accusation, crime, justice, motive, purpose, false accusation, court, false report, lie
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