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Law and Politics

Mozhuga V.V. The issues of legal regulation of protection of the objects of intellectual property by the customs agencies of the Customs Union member-states

Abstract:   The subject of this research is the legal grounds of protection of the objects of intellectual property by the Customs Union agencies. The author examines the problem of correlation between the international and national legislation of the countries regarding the questions of transfer of the goods containing the results of intellectual property. The work compares the order of implementation of measures on protection of the intellectual property objects within the framework of the registry deliveries control by ex officio, as well as realization of verification measures after the release of goods. The author analyzes the administrative legislation of three countries pertaining to the questions of expiration of statute of limitations for customs law violation. The method of comparative jurisprudence is implemented for analyzing the positions of legislation of the Customs Union member-states regarding the questions of protection of the intellectual property objects. Majority of the norms, which regulate that protection of the intellectual property objects by the customs agencies, is contained in the national legislation of the Customs Union member-states. The author believes that there is a need to unify legislation in the area of administrative accountability for violation of rights upon the objects of intellectual property, introduce it at the supranational level, as well as set a three-year term of limitations on this matter.  


Unification of administrative legislation, Customs Code, Protection of intellectual property, Control after the release, Customs Union member-states, Customs agencies, World Trade Organization, Ex officio, Intellectual property, Customs Union

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