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Law and Politics

Papina M.A. Implementation of the Articles 12, 75, and 225 of the Arbitration Procedural Code of the Russian Federation by the arbitration courts: certain issues

Abstract: This article represents an attempt to determine the existing gaps in legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as suggests the ways for their solution within the framework of protection of rights of the Russian and foreign citizens and legal entities. The goal of this research is the comprehensive reconstruction of the process of implementation of the international treaties of the Russian Federation and national legislation, using translation of the written evidence by arbitration courts in Russia. Generalizations and conclusions contained in this work can be applied in development of the course of lectures regarding the issues of the international private law; delivering lectures of the arbitration procedure guidelines; preparation of textbooks on international private law and arbitration procedure in the Russian Federation; and further scientific formulation of the topic. The article is written based on generalization of the extensive judicial practice of the arbitration courts, comparative-contrastive analysis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, corresponding bilateral, regional, and multilateral agreements and conventions. The topic of the use of the documents comprised by the courts in foreign languages has always been of great interest for the Russian science. However, only individual chapters of textbooks or articles were dedicated to this problematic. At the same time, the emerging questions were usually examined in the context of separate scientific disciplines (arbitration procedure, international private law, etc.). Relevant issues such as forwarding of the court decisions in address of the foreign courts and execution of the instructions from foreign courts, as well as recognition of foreign documents by a court of the Russian Federation that reviews certain arbitration cases, require detailed examination. The results of the research fulfil the lack of information pertaining to the role of the interpreter in practice of the arbitration courts of the Russian Federation. It is necessary to pass the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On State Interpreters”. The solution of the stated problem will allow ensuring legal support of the citizens of Russia in the constantly changing market circumstances.


Diploma, State civil service, Legal aid, Written evidence, Notary, Interpreter, Judicial system, Foreign entity, Legislation, International treaties of the Russian Federation

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