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Law and Politics

Khokhrin S.A. Prevention of crime in correctional facilities: problems and solutions

Abstract: This research explores the following: norms of criminal and criminal procedural legislation that regulate the key positions on prison crimes; normative legal acts that regulate the order of functionality of correctional facilities; materials from surveys of employees of correctional facilities; disciplinary practice of correctional facilities and personal profiles of inmates who committed crimes while in prison; criminogenic determinants that contribute to commission of crime in correctional facilities, the system of measures on their prevention, as well as court cases on this category of crimes; materials from cell searches and personal cases on inmates; financial records. Based on examination of the empirical material and analysis of the statistical data, the author determines the key issues of correctional facilities in the area of crime prevention. The author proposes measures for individual prevention of actions aimed at disorganizing the work of facilities that provide isolation from society. A claim is made that there is a need to consider factors that contribute to commission of crime and devise certain measures on their prevention. The author proposes introduction of new approaches towards individual crime prevention and job placement for inmates for the purpose of their resocialization and prevention of prison crimes.  


Imprisonment, Punishment, Violence, Criminal identity, Work placement, Video surveillance, Convict, Crime, Preventative measures, Prison crime

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