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Law and Politics

Kembaev Zh.M. Political law views of the ideologists of the Third Reich regarding unification of Europe

Abstract: The subject of this research is the views of the ideologists of the Third Reich such as Hitler, Rosenberg, Himmler, Goebbels, and Ganzer regarding unification of Europe. A claim is made that at the basis of the views of Nazi ideologists lied the socio-Darwinistic understanding of human development as a constant struggle for existence of individuals, as well as nations and states, where the winner, and thus the one who has the right to live, is the fittest. The author substantiates that Nazi ideologists rejected the equality of men, nations, and states, and even the very possibility of their harmonious coexistence. The conducted researched allowed making the following conclusions: 1) the political law views of the ideologists of the third Reich regarding unification of Europe are characterized by the rather aggressive form of national self-establishment, based on the idea of national exceptionality and supremacy; 2) these views rejected humanism and value of human individuality; 3) they rejected equality of people and various nations, and thus the equality of states; 4) they led to the “annihilation war” and put existence of humanity at risk.


Unification of Europe, Ganzer, Himmler, Goebbels, Rosenberg, fascism, Hitler, Germany, Kant, World War II

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