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Law and Politics

Vlasenko A.A. Political aspects of the social responsibility of businesses

Abstract: The subject of this research is the state regulation of the process of formation of the social responsibility of businesses in Russia. A special attention is given to the social responsibility of businesses and state regulation of this phenomenon as a political aspect in the process of historical development of economic activity. In author’s opinion, the current stage of development is characterized by the possibility of emergence of a new, humanistic economy, the fundamental origin of which is namely the social responsibility of businesses. In turn, the government should hold the leading role in development of this phenomenon, while the companies that are mindful of constantly changing goals and values of the society and caring about the environment and holding to the principles of corporate social responsibility, deserve a system of rewards and benefits. The author’s contribution into the research of this topic lies in the analysis of the acquired data that is based on the results of a conducted survey of experts consisting of state officials and entrepreneurs. This work examines some political aspects of cooperation between the state and business in the area of social responsibility, which lead to internal consolidation of society, and as a result, improve the quality of life of the population.


economic activity, humanistic economy, political aspects, state procurements, Corporate Social Responsibility, social responsibility, government regulation, society, business, state

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