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Law and Politics
Nunuev S.M. (2016). The influence of the Islamic traditions upon provision of interconfessional peace in the Russian Federation. Law and Politics, 9, 1169–1176.
Nunuev S.M. The influence of the Islamic traditions upon provision of interconfessional peace in the Russian FederationAbstract: The goal of this research is to determine the influence of Islamic traditions upon the provision of interconfessional peace in the post-Soviet Russia. The object of this research is the traditions of the Islamic civilization in its Russian variant. The author carefully examines such aspects of the topic as the essence of civilization, specificity and science of Islamic civilization in the political legal dimension, norms of Quran and Islamic law, as well as reformation interpretations of the traditions of peace and tolerance in Islam. A special attention is given to the traditional values and institutions of Islam, as well as methods of activity of the Islamic religious organizations in Russia. The author comes to the following conclusions: interpretation of civilization as the sociocultural macrosystem of a high level, which differ from one another by criteria of worldview; determination of the traditions of peace and confessional tolerance in Quran and Muslim legislation. The author’s contribution into this topic consists in the refutation of the stereotype of the homogeneity and archaic nature of the social doctrine of Islam. The scientific novelty of this research consists in the revelation of the potential of the confessional tolerance, as well as the risks of intolerance in the public opinion of the Russian Muslims. Keywords: traditional islamic institutions, Islamic law, Quran, Russian Federation, interconfessional peace, influence, traditions, Islamic civilization, peacekeeping methods, public opinion
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