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Law and Politics

Bochkavrev V.V. Penal means of preventing of crime prevention by convicts during incarceration

Abstract: The subject of this work is a comprehensive study of the rules of domestic and foreign penal legislation, which codifies the implementation of preventative measures for inmates serving a sentence in penitentiaries, which include isolation, protective custody, supervision, measures of disciplinary responsibility, realization of educational activities, organizational-administrative and rapid search measures; in lawful cases application of security measures, ensuring that inmates carry out their responsibilities; separation of different categories of inmates; measures of prevention and thwarting violations. The author determines inconsistencies in the formulation of the preventative measures, and as part of the conclusion gives an original classification of preventative measures in penitentiaries:1.     Actions that prevent crimes; measures aimed at prevention of violations to the regime of serving the sentence, as well as security measures;2.     Means implemented based on the court ruling, as well as the means that are based on the inmates’ evasive behavior.


the system of elements of punishment, preventative process, penal regime, deprivation of liberty, prisons, preventative measures, convicts, prevention of offenses, target penitentiary law, content of punishment

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