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Law and Politics

Skorobogatov A.V., Krasnov A.V. Legal reality as a category of juridical science

Abstract: This article is dedicated to the juridical meaning of the category of “legal reality”, introduced into the scientific use within the framework of post-classical juridical science. The goal of this work is to study the “legal reality” as a category of juridical science, determine and analyze the ontological and gnoseological meaning of this concept, which defines the bases for functionality of the legal phenomena in a specific society. The legal reality is being examined from the positions of various methodological approaches, which allows seeing it not only on different ontological levels and aspects, but to also determine its gnoseological potential for development of juridical science. The author gives an original definition to the category of “legal reality” and original definition is given to the category of “legal reality”. The author studies the key element and aspects of this category, and makes a conclusion that the legal reality as a fundamental category of juridical science is a complexly organized multi-level system, which encompasses both, the realistically existing legal phenomena, as well as the legal ideal, and defines the sphere of being of the law for the individual and society.


Anthropological legal research, Juridical science, Methodological pluralism, Post-classical scientific reality, Post-modernistic legal concepts, Legal phenomenon, Legal science, Being of law, Category of juridical science, Legal reality

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