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Law and Politics
Krasnova T.V. (2016). The importance of understanding of civil lawyers of the nature of parental rights in the improvement of the mechanisms of legal protection of parents and children. Law and Politics, 7, 910–918.
Krasnova T.V. The importance of understanding of civil lawyers of the nature of parental rights in the improvement of the mechanisms of legal protection of parents and childrenAbstract: This article is concentrates on the study of the "parental rights" category. The author considers the questions of evolution of scientific approaches to the understanding of parental rights by Russian family lawyers. This article defines the importance of such scientific analysis in the development of legal protections for parents and children. The author concludes that the legal concept of "parental authority" is a genetic form of the concept of "parental rights", as well as identifies and summarizes the characteristics of parental authority. The study is based on the method of genetic explanation. The study identified the areas for improvement in the doctrine of parental rights and the needed updates to the legal regulation of relations between parents and children. The author proposes the approach to the embodiment of the essence of parental rights using the term "parental care". The author argues the benefits of introduction of this concert into the legal use, formulates characteristics of parental care that determine the content of parental rights and responsibilities. Proposals are made on ways to improve current family legislation. Keywords: responsibility of parents, family law, parental care, parental authority, parental responsibilities, parental rights, protection of parents, parenting, protection of children
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