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Law and Politics

Popov E.A. Advantages of sociology of law in interdisciplinary research of the legal life of individuals and society

Abstract: The subject of this research is the interdisciplinary connections of sociology and philosophy of law, as well as the anthropology of law. Special attention is given to determination of the specificity of modern sociology of law in study of the legal life of individual and society. The author makes an accent on the theoretical and methodical capabilities of various scientific disciplines that also deal with research of law and legal reality. The advantages of the sociology of law become evident in comparison of sciences and knowledge based on four aspects: object of research, priority of the examination of a relevant issue, problematization of the scientific research field, and determination of the methodological resources. On the example of the correlation of sociology of law and philosophy of law, as well as sociology of law and anthropology of law, the author demonstrates the merits of the sociological knowledge in the study of legal life. The main conclusions of the conducted research are the following positions: 1) sociology of law possesses certain theoretical-methodological and methodical advantages in evaluation of the legal life of an individual and society by comparison, for example, with philosophy of law or legal science; 2) the main value of the sociology of law is its comprehensive orientation in study of various legal phenomena and processes.


social knowledge, legal philosophy, norms, values, sociology, culture, society, methodology, sociology of law, interdisciplinarity

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