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Law and Politics

Kadaneva E.A. Legal consequences of finding a convict to be a gross violator of the established order of serving a sentence

Abstract:  The subject of this research is the norms of the penal law that regulate the conditions for finding a convict to be a gross violator of the set order of serving a sentence and the legal consequences of this juridical fact. This work examines the following consequences: disciplinary measures, transfer into a more strict area of serving a sentence, and transfer into a higher security correctional facility. In addition to the legal consequences, the law enforcement practice also may have the following consequences: exclusion from possibility of parole, exclusion from amnesty, restriction of work outside of the penitentiary without guards or supervision, etc. The scientific novelty of this work is defined by the fact that the author determines specific legal consequence of finding a convict to be gross violator of the set order of serving a sentence, elucidates some issues with their realization in practice of correctional facility, and proposes ways of solving them on the legislative and law enforcement levels.


Convict, Gross violator, Order of punishment, Disciplinary misconduct, Disciplinary action, Isolation, Cell block, Solitary confinement, Incarceration, Punishment

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