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Law and Politics

Alfimtsev V.N. On the problematic issues of the application of concepts of interethnic cooperation within Russian legislation

Abstract: The subject of this research is the theoretical positions of the most common concepts of interethnic cooperation and their separate variations, some of which are the concepts of “Marxism-Leninism”, “melting pot”, “nation-building”, “Eurasianism”, “multiculturalism”, “cultural pluralism”, as well as the legal norms that establish and regulate the order of their practical application in Russia. The subject of this research dictates its goal as determination of the problematic questions of application of the concepts of interethnic cooperation within Russian legislation. A special attention is given to the analysis of the essential specificity of the concepts of international cooperation from the perspective of their influence on the positive or negative “movement of nations”.  The author concludes that there are only four independent concepts of interethnic cooperation, which brings nations closer together or pushes them apart. Analysis of the norms of the Russian legislation confirms a predominant orientation towards realization of the concept of “multiculturalism” using the national-cultural autonomy and constitutional guarantees of “national” rights and very little towards realization of the concept of “nation-building”, which in author’s opinion and taking into account the causes of interethnic contradictions in Russia, hinders the achievement of goals with regards to consolidation of the society and the country.


national-cultural autonomy, nation, international cooperation, concept, interethnic contradiction, state national policy, Constitution, Strategy, multiculturalism, nation-building

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