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Law and Politics

Karpovich O.G. Separatism and separatist movements in the modern world (on the example of Belgium and Great Britain): comparative analysis

Abstract: This article is dedicated to research on separatism in Belgium and Great Britain at the present stage. The goal of this work is to conduct a comparative analysis on the political analysis of the forms and manifestations of separatism in Belgium and Great Britain. The article presents the analysis of the causes of the emergence, historical prerequisites of separatist movements in Belgium and Great Britain, peculiarities of development, structure of separatist movements, and on this basis, the author determines the general and specific features as well as the characteristic traits of the types of separatism that are developing in the aforementioned countries. The subject of this research is separatism as a special political phenomenon, while selection of Great Britain and Belgium as the object of the research is associated with the fact that namely these countries have the constitutional-monarchical governing system. Existence of various separatist movements in the modern Europe, which promote ideas of division of the European states, usually based on national heritage (UK with the issues of Ireland and Scotland, Spain with the Catalonia issue, Belgium with the problem of constant crisis in relations between Walloons and Flemings, etc.) allow to conduct a comparative historical and comparative political research, where the comparative paradigm is the main methodology.


political regime, sociopolitical processes, global instability, world politics, separatism, political system, interests, state, sequrity, risks

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