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Law and Politics

Zhanuzakova L.T. Authority of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the legislative sphere

Abstract: This article explores the right in the legislative and constitutional initiative of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the right to sign laws passed by the Parliament and object to them (the right to veto), president’s legislative authority in the cases established by the constitutions, and the right to give legislative orders to the Government. Analysis is conducted on the institution of countersignature in the legislation of the Republic regarding laws passed by the Parliament and signed by the President, presidential decrees issued by the initiative of the Government, as well as other means of influence upon the legislative process by the head of state. Introduction of the concept of “legislative act” allows him to introduce into Parliament not only legislative bills, but also Parliamentary and Chambers decrees that are in fact by-laws. This is in essence an infringement upon the competency of the highest representative branch on organization of its activity. The President of the republic is the only subject who can directly realize the right of the constitutional initiative: by introduction of an amendment bill into the Constitution in the Parliament or at the republic referendum. The Parliament and the Government exercise this right indirectly – through the President. Study of the President’s authority with regards to passing legislative acts revealed that the need for preserving this institution is no longer necessary, due to formation of professional Parliament, expansion of its authority, the right of the head of state to introduce legislative initiative, and other means of influencing the legislative process. The author makes recommendations on improving the Constitutional law.


Parliament, authority, legislative act, legislative initiative, law, delegation, veto, President, referendum, Constitution

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