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Law and Politics
Bakharev D.V. (2016). Spatial thinking in criminology. Part II. Methodology of spatial analysis of the socioeconomic development of Russian regions. Law and Politics, 4, 434–440.
Bakharev D.V. Spatial thinking in criminology. Part II. Methodology of spatial analysis of the socioeconomic development of Russian regionsAbstract: The object of this research is the capabilities and prospects of the application of the achievements of spatial science in criminological research. The subject of this research is the methodology of spatial analysis of the socioeconomic development of Russian regions, which in turn is the primary stage of research in the area of spatial analysis of the causes of crime. The article presents the sequence of actions at this stage, describes the logical model of development of the socioeconomic processes in the space of a separate region, as well as criteria for the evaluation of the level of success of the functionality of the regional socioeconomic system. The scientific novelty consists in devising the methodology of spatial analysis of the socioeconomic development of Russian regions, which is in turn based on the general theoretical-methodological platform of the spatial analysis of the socioeconomic events and processes, including crime. The author substantiates the hypothesis that the level of success of the socioeconomic development of any particular territory that is assessed from the perspective of the analysis of the data on the level and dynamics of economic development of a region, rate of reproduction of its demographic base, quality of the health of its population, as well as the quality of the population as a whole (level of education, etc.), is determined by the vector and intensiveness of the “center-periphery” processes on one hand, and the level of the clarity of the process of compression of social space on the other. Keywords: Settlement structure, Economic-geographical position, Systemic approach, Socioeconomic development, Region, Spatial analysis, Causes of crime, Infrastructure, Economic structure, Compression of social space
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