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Law and Politics

Zavorina Yu.A. The concept of sustainable development and its implementation within international law

Abstract: The subject of this research is the features of implementation of the key idea of the concept of sustainable development within international law – integration of economic development and protection of the environment. The work presents such aspects of the topic as correlation of the right of states to development with the need to consider the interests of environmental protection, and anthropocentrism of the concept of sustainable development. The author carefully examines the elements of sustainable development within the norms of international law of various branches and establishes the lack of state responsibility to ensure the integration of economic and environmental interests during the course of exercising their right to development. The author’s contribution to the research of this topic is the systemic examination of international instruments in the area of sustainable development and determination of factors of political legal nature, which impede the realization of ideas for sustainable development on the international law level. The author notes that the disagreement between the concept and how it is implemented within international law plays an important role in achieving a balance between two competing components of sustainable development. The article explores the possible ways of bringing together the main idea of the concept and its international legal content.


anthropocentrism, environmental protection, international agreements, national sovereignty, Rio-de-Janeiro Declaration, economic development, international law, concept of sustainable development, human rights, prospects of sustainable development

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