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Law and Politics

Pozharskiy A.Yu. Threats to the safety of mass transit and their reflection in the legislation and criminal legal doctrine

Abstract: The subject of this research is the threats to the safety of the functionality of mass transit and their reflection in the legislation and criminal legal doctrine that are considered debatable in the theory of criminal law. The author carefully examines the threats aimed at: 1) safety of movement or use of transit or means of transportation; 2) execution of work that ensures safety of the transportation in general; 3) conditions that ensure safe functionality of transport: a) verifying that  the requirements are met for  ensuring safety at the objects of transportation infrastructure; b) inspection of construction and maintenance of the transportation vehicles; c) checking for transportation vehicles with technical issues; d) inspecting the state of transportation infrastructure; e) monitoring violation of rules of use of the airspace. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that based on the mechanism of the corresponding violations, the author highlights the threats to the safety of the functionality of all means of transportation and performs classification of the norms on transportation crimes provided by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, including the norms that ensure safety of movement or use of transportation – Article 263 (excluding employee’s refusal to perform their work duties), 264, 268, 269 (including use of mainlines), and others.


Transportation, Transportation safety, Security threats, Classification of threats, Criminal legal norms, Classification of norms, Legal gaps, Elimination of gaps, Reflection of threats, Mass transit

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