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Law and Politics

Kirillova L.S. Limits of the individual contract regulation of employment

Abstract: The goal of this research is to determine the limits of the obligations of the sides of employment according to the individual contracts and work agreements. The relevance this work is justified by the expansion of the dispositional bases of the labor law and increased flexibility in the legal regulation of labor, which in addition to the clearly positive effect can also lead to certain negative consequences. The conducted research allows concluding on the procedure of contract signing between the employer and the employee, requirements as to the format of these agreements, as well as the basis for their execution. Attention is also given to the variety of formulations used by the legislator that affect the procedure of contract signing pertaining to determining its initiator. With regards to the format of the examined acts, it is pointed out that in the cases where the contract represents a legal fact that results in changes to or termination of employment, it is a byproduct of the employment contract, and thus must correspond with its format.


Employment, Employee, Employer, Individual contract regulation, Employment contract, Agreement, Limits, Anti-discrimination law, Vexatious litigation, Labor rights

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