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Law and Politics
Manoylo A.V. (2016). “Russian Spring” vs “Arab Spring”: Russia’s role in the stabilization of the Syrian conflict. Law and Politics, 1, 83–96.
Manoylo A.V. “Russian Spring” vs “Arab Spring”: Russia’s role in the stabilization of the Syrian conflictAbstract: This article is dedicated to the research of the civil war in Syria, which broke out as a result of the project of “color revolutions” and “controlled chaos” executed by the United States in the Middle East and North Africa. The article presents a detailed analysis of the goals, tasks, format, and methods of the fight in the Syrian conflict by the Syrian government, as well as those who belong to the irreconcilable “Islamic State” (condemned by the Russian Federation) and the “moderate” opposition. A special attention is given to the role of the United States, Turkey, and the royalty of the Persian Gulf. A separate place is dedicated to Russia’s foreign policy with regards to Syria in the fight against international terrorism within the context of complicated relations with the United States who also conduct their own antiterrorist operation in the region. The author states that it is namely Russia’s participation in the Syrian conflict effectively put the stop to the color revolution of Arab Spring, preserving Syrian statehood, and consequently enabling the Syrian people to choose their own future. Keywords: international conflicts, diplomacy, coup d’état, , U.S. foreign policy, world politics, Russia, geopolitics, state, security, color revolutions
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