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Law and Politics

Khusyainov T.M. Peculiarities of the legal regulation of telework in Poland

Abstract: This article reviews the legal regulation of telework in the labor legislation of the Republic of Poland. The subject of this research is the processes of establishment of Polish labor law and peculiarities of the implementation of the “Framework Agreement of Telework” passed by the European Union. Despite the rapidly growing interest of modern researches towards new forms of employment, including those based on Internet technologies, there is insufficient research of foreign legislation (especially Polish) and requires close attention of the scholars. Within the framework of this article the author makes the following determinations: peculiarities and level of implementation of the “Framework Agreement of Telework” into Polish labor legislation in comparison to some other member-states of the European Union; comparison of the conceptual apparatus; the basic rights and responsibilities of telework employees and their employers in Poland.


Online employment, Social partnership, Telework, Polish labor law, Freelance, Information society, Atypical employment, Post-industrial society, Distance work, Work from home

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