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Law and Politics

Trofimova G.A. Right to indemnity in Russia as a legal category

Abstract: The right to indemnity carries a special character, representing an exception from the constitutional principle of equality of all citizens before the court and law. The historical foundation and the need for creation of additional guarantees for elected officials justified the emergence of this right. The author makes an attempt to define the key elements of this right, and find the correlation between the right to indemnity and the adjoining notions of “immunity” and “nonprosecution”, as well as present the structure of right to indemnity and the form of its establishment in the legal text; analyze the variants of the scope of the right to indemnity that currently exists in the scientific literature and legislation. This work sheds light on such under-studied juridical category as right to indemnity. The analysis presented here can be useful for clarification of the conceptual apparatus of the constitutional law and theory of law, as well as for the purposes of improving the legislation on responsibility of state officials possessing diplomatic immunity or other type of immunity as an exclusion from the general jurisdictional rules.


Legal immunity, Official immunity, Presidential immunity, Nonprosecution, Diplomatic immunity, Equality, Right to indemnity, Legal exception, Conditions for removal of immunity, Immunity

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