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Law and Politics

Kravets I.A. Russian republicanism and the problem of separation of powers

Abstract:   The author explores the problem of identification of the Russian republicanism and constitutionalism, demonstrates the relationship between the constitutional form of government and models of separation of powers, open scientific approaches to understanding the nature and features of the republican form of government established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation in 1993. Particular attention is paid to the dynamic possibilities, realities and prospects of the development of the republican form of government in Russia. The study analyzes the theoretical basis, the origins of the principle of separation of powers, constitutional contours of the model of separation of powers ("flexible", "hard" and "mixed" models), as well as the problem of the origin, development and implementation of the modern principle of separation of powers as the basis of the constitutional order of Russia. The scientific novelty consists in the formulation of specific features of various models of separation of powers in light of their effect, implementation, as well as the future development of the republican form of government within the Russian model, including the identification of legal nature of the Russian constitutionalism.  


President of the Russian Federation, presidential constitutionalism, semi-presidential system, models of the separation of powers, Russian constitutionalism, form of government, republicanism, the executive branch, "flexible", "hard" model, "mixed" model

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