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Law and Politics

Riekkinen M.A. Participation of senior citizens in the sociocultural life: legal analysis in the context of retirement homes in Finland

Abstract: This article analyzes the problems associated with provision of rights on participation in the social and cultural life, related to the senior citizens, who reside in retirement homes. The author examines positions of the European Social Charter (revised), and demonstrates its implementation in the area of access to the social and cultural life inside the retirement homes by the legislation of Finland in the sphere of protection of senior citizens rights. A special attention is given to the analysis of the legislative and institutional measures accepted by Finland, for the purpose of carrying out of corresponding obligations within the European Social Charter (revised). The author comes to the conclusion that the legislative norms of the Europeans Social Charter (revised) on the need for participation of the senior citizens in the sociocultural life do not affect the individuals residing in the retirement homes. Nevertheless, the conducted research demonstrates that Finland take the necessary measures towards execution of corresponding positions of the Charter, as well as the recommendations of the United Nations on involvement of the senior citizens into the sociocultural life of the society.


retirement homes, senior citizens, sociocultural rights, European Social Charter, sociocultural events, legislation of Finland, senior citizens rights, Nordic countries, Finland, aging population

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27. Rezolyutsiya General'noi Assamblei OON ot 16 oktyabrya 1992 g. N 47/5 "Deklaratsiya po problemam stareniya", polnyi russkoyazychnyi tekst dostupen v rezhime svobodnogo dostupa na ofitsial'nom saite Organizatsii Ob''edinennykh Natsii po adresu:
28. Politicheskaya deklaratsiya, prinyataya vtoroi Vsemirnoi assambleei po problemam stareniya, Madrid, 8–12 aprelya 2002 goda, polnyi russkoyazychnyi tekst dostupen v rezhime svobodnogo dostupa na ofitsial'nom saite Organizatsii Ob''edinennykh Natsii po adresu:, st. 2.