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Law and Politics

Platonova N.I. Direct government financing of the current activity of political parties in Russia

Abstract: This article is dedicated to the examination of development of legal regulation of the government financing of political parties by means of granting state subsidies. A special attention is given to the analysis of the efficiency of federal spending aimed at support of the established party system. The currently existing order of government support of the political parties corresponds neither with the principles of reasonableness nor objectiveness. The severity of this issue has increased due to the fact that Russia is undergoing an economic crisis, thus there is an urgent need for optimization of state revenues. Based on the conducted research, the author concludes that there is a need for reform of the system of state party funding, and suggest the ways of improving the existing legislation. First and foremost, it is recommended to set  the order of determining the volume of allocated funds from the federal budget in form of a certain percentage of its total size for the corresponding year, as well as establishing a dual-level system of disbursement of state investments among the parties. Such measures contributed into optimization of the federal spending, as well as encouraged the development of political parties that gain most support among the population of the country.


direct government funding, financing of political parties, current activity of political parties, government funding, political parties, optimization of federal spending, state subsidy, party system, principle of reseonableness, federal budget

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