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Law and Politics
Ivanova K.A. (2015). Modernization of the institution of legislative public imitative: Russian and foreign experience. Law and Politics, 11, 1590–1594.
Ivanova K.A. Modernization of the institution of legislative public imitative: Russian and foreign experienceAbstract: In this research the author notes that one of the forms of public initiatives is the legislative initiative of the populace. The author analyzes Russian and foreign practice of civic participation in the legislative process. The article examines the prospects for a more active participation of population in the legislation through electronic resources, and presents proposals for improving the mechanism of the realization of legislative initiative as a public initiative of the citizens. Examples are given along with the analysis of the development of this form of direct exercise of will of the citizens of the Russian Federation. Among the main conclusions is the acknowledgement of the need to improve the legislation on lawmaking initiative, since a fine-tuned mechanism of legislative initiative gives the citizens an ability to directly exercise power, creating legal acts that correspond with their way of life. The author’s contribution to the research consists in detection of contradictions between the legislative initiatives under the Federal Law No. 131-FZ “On universal principles of organization of local self-governance in the Russian Federation” and the Executive Order No. 183-RF of the President of the Russian Federation. The author analyzes foreign experience in the area of legislative initiative, and makes proposals on improvements to the Russian legislation. Keywords: civic activity, lawmaking, direct expression of will, local self-governance, electronic resources, legislative initiative, public initiatives, Internet resources, foreign experience, democracy
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