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Law and Politics

Teplyakova O.A., Rogova V.V. Legal positions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation in the area of protection of labor rights of parents in the interests of children

Abstract: The subject of this research is the rulings of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation made on the issues of protection of labor rights of parents with minors under 14 years of age, as well as the rights of working women during pregnancy. The object of this research is the constitutional principles, upon which these legal positions of the Constitutional Court are based in the decisions of these rulings. The authors examine the link between labor rights of parents and the rights of the children to welfare, and notes that a number of guarantees for the citizens in the area of labor relations are set not only in the interests of the workers, but also in the interests of children. The authors also examine such aspect of the topic as the impact of legal positions of the Constitutional Court upon the active federal legislation, and presence or absence of changes in the legislation after the corresponding ruling of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. Among the main conclusions of the research are: 1) determination of constitutional principles that served as a basis for the ruling of the Constitutional Court in the area of protection of labor rights of parents in the interests of children; 2) determination of the link between the labor guarantees of parents and right of children to welfare; 3) determination of the impact of legal positions of the Constitutional Court upon federal legislation.


right to walfare, Constitutional Court, welfare state, principle of equality, legal positions, protection of labor rights, protection of child rights, labor rights, public servants

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