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Law and Politics

Brezhnev O.V. Authority of the constitutional (charter) courts of the constituents of the Russian Federation associated with the abstract normative control: general and special within legal legislation

Abstract: The subject of this research is the legal norms of the constituents of the Russian Federation regulating the authority of the constitutional (charter) courts pertaining to abstracts normative control and order of their implementation. In a comparative sense the author demonstrates the general and special aspects characteristic to such regulation, as well as the problems that arise in the work of regional branches of the constitutional justice in implementation of corresponding norms. The work reveals the influence of the positions of the Federal Constitutional Law “On Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation” upon the legal regulation of this authority of the judicial branches of the constitutional (charter) control of the constituents of the Federation. Taking into consideration the prospects of development of the constitutional justice in Russia and the need to solve the issues of judicial reform, the author demonstrates the positive and problematic aspects of the legislative regulation of the competency of the constitutional (charter) courts of the constituents of the Federation, and notes the most significant trends emerging in the modern approaches towards the content of this institution.


justice, authority, norm, constitution, inquiry, legislation, Abstract normative control, court, proceedings, charter

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