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Law and Politics
Men'shenina N.N., Panteleeva M.V. (2015). Government Relations techniques in the lawmaking process of modern Japan: aspects of cooperation between business, parliament, and the government. Law and Politics, 11, 1530–1535.
Men'shenina N.N., Panteleeva M.V. Government Relations techniques in the lawmaking process of modern Japan: aspects of cooperation between business, parliament, and the governmentAbstract: The subject of this research is the process of agreement of interests of public and political groups with the authorities in the modern Japan. This is especially important for the relations between business and the government, which provide a fundamental platform for the development of the political system. The authors analyze the specificity of the establishment of the system of cooperation between business and government in Japan with consideration of national, political, and economic aspects of its development. A distinct feature of Japanese model of “business-state” relations after the World War II became the concentration of power in the hands of government bureaucracy. The theory of political communications researches the GR techniques, using which the special interest groups achieve their goals. Lobbyism in this aspect will be viewed as a communication mechanism within the system of Government Relations. The scientific novelty of this work consists in the fact that on the particular case of “Shinkansen” the procedure of passing laws on construction of high-speed railways demonstrated the mechanism of cooperation between deputy clans, political leaders of the Liberal Democratic Party, and the government of the modern Japan. Keywords: bill, deputy clans, Parliament, government, power, business, lobbying, GR techniques, Political communication, public administration
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