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Law and Politics

Pisarenko D.A. The issues of improvements to the legislative regulation of restitution to a legal entity for damages suffered as a result of a crime

Abstract: The subject of this research is the methods of restitution for damages to victims of crimes in general, as well as legal entity that has suffered as result of a crime in particular. The object of the research is the proposals existing in specialized literature on the issues of improvements to the legislative regulation of restitution for damages to a legal entity that has suffered as a result of a crime. A special attention is given to the formulation of specific proposals for Russia’s criminal legislation on solution to the problem of restitution for damages suffered as a result of a crime. Proposal is made to implement a new type of punishment into the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation – “Obligation to cover damages”. In addition to that, a proposal is made to place the responsibility for solution to the problem of restitution for damages onto the victims in form of a voluntary (and perhaps mandatory) insurance. Among the main conclusions are the formulation of specific proposals for criminal legislation of the Russian Federation on solution to the problem of restitution for damages, including implementation of a new type of punishment “Obligation to cover damages” into the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Article 46-1. Author’s special contribution into the research of this topic is the proposal to devise a version of a voluntary (and perhaps mandatory) insurance.


insurance, punishment, restitution, legal entity, private party, victim, harm, crime, criminal law, state responsibility

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