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Law and Politics

Zanko T.A. Approaches towards classification of the executive authorities

Abstract: This article is dedicated to the various approaches towards classifications of the executive authorities demonstrated by the relevant examples of the system of government administration of the Russian Federation. The author examines the following criteria for classification: territorial scale of activity and level of functioning, decision-making process, volume and character of competence, jurisdiction, organizational legal form, mechanism of creation, method of electing the leader. The article also analyzes the All-Russian Classifier of State Government and Administration. As the result of this research the author determines that the system of federal executive authorities interferes with the multiple types of the executive bodies of the constituents – departments, administrations, committees, agencies, services, supervision, inspections; however, each of the constituents possesses a particular approach towards understanding the authority of such bodies, which considerably complicates the mechanism of government administration. 


Classification, Criteria for classification, Service, Agency, Ministry, Executive authority, Public administration, Federation, State agency, Public authority

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