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Law and Politics
Udartsev S.F.
“SENT BY THE PROVIDENCE FOR GLOBAL REVOLUTIONS…” (For the 200th anniversary of the birth of Mikhail Bakunin)
// Law and Politics.
2015. ¹ 10.
P. 1466-1478.
Udartsev S.F. “SENT BY THE PROVIDENCE FOR GLOBAL REVOLUTIONS…” (For the 200th anniversary of the birth of Mikhail Bakunin)Abstract: This article presents the general characteristic of Mikhail Bakunin (1814-1876) as an individual, political actor, and renowned political thinker. His work contained ideas that were critical and positive, utopian, and often ahead of their time. The thinker is portrayed as the representative of ideas and processes of global integration of human civilization, bright expresser of critical ideas and revolutions as periodically repeating phases of development within historical evolution of humanity. The article touches on the issues of evolution and the specificity of the thinker’s ideas about political integration of humanity, the future and role of the consciousness of social development, controversial consequences of criticism towards statehood and augmentation of personal liberties, as well as revealing the “hidden side” of the potential of statehood and the limits of its realistic effect upon the evolution of political institutions. The significance of this article lie in its generalizing character, attempt to understand the place of the thinker and his ideas within history from the modern perspective of acknowledging revolution as a controversial, often tragic ans costly technique of clearing the path for the future, although during specific historic moments becoming unavoidable in certain countries even in the XXI century. Keywords: Jurisprudence, Integration of humanity, Freedom, Revolution, Critical thought, Evolution of statehood, Globalization, Anarchism theory, Understanding state potential, Constitutional doctrines
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