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Law and Politics

Lebedev V.S., Khalilova A.S., Lysenko Yu.M. Establishment of political system in the Republic of Adygea during the 1990-1996 years

Abstract: This article is dedicated to the development of political system of the Republic of Adygea at the time of establishment of its statehood. The author examines such aspects of the topic as relations between Adygea and Krasnodar Krai during the period in question, influence of the ethnical factor upon the political development of the republic, formation of the electoral system and the constitutional mechanism of the division of powers. This work thoroughly analyzes the key contradictions which became a reason for existing conflicts and disputes, as well as the specificity of Adygea in the context of other republics of North Caucasus. The conclusion is made about the importance of ethnic factor during the establishment of the political system of Adygea, which manifested itself in the context of the Constitution of the Republic of Adygea, as well as in the electoral practices. The juridical analysis of the normative legal base allowed us to conclude that Adygea formed a semi-presidential model of government.


Electoral systems, Conflicts, Constitutional structure, Ethnic groups, Political system, Political development, Adygea, Disolution of USSR, Sovereignty, Cultural division

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