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Law and Politics

Matrenina K.Yu. Genesis and evolution of electronic voting in Brazil, Canada, and the United States

Abstract: Over the recent years, the interest in electronic democracy has increased, and the ability to implement technical means attracted a bigger audience towards electronic voting. The goal of this work is to explore the experience of Brazil, Canada. And the United states in the area of implementing the electronic voting. The author analyzes the development process of the electronic voting within mentioned countries, as well as the measures taken in order to protect the means of this type of voting. The scientific novelty of this work consists in the fact that for the first time within the framework of the Russian juridical science, the international experience of implementing the system of electronic voting on the example of Brazil and Canada is being thoroughly examined. This work emphasizes that application of electronic voting has lots of advantages: speed of counting voices and receiving results, increase of voters’ turnout, voters’ trust towards the modern voting system, and many others. Based on the conducted research, the conclusions are made about the possible positive effect of the international experience upon the development and advancement of the Russian system of electoral democracy, as well as the need for further development of the system of electronic voting.


Electronic voting, Brazil, Canada, United States, Machines, Internet, Elections, Technologies, Safety, Electoral system

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