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Law and Politics

Yasnosokirskiy Yu.A. To the origins of the concept “The Responsibility to Protect”: analysis of the political and legal aspects of the report of the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty (ICISS)

Abstract: The subject of this research is the concept of “The Responsibility to Protect”, the main positions of which are contained in its primary document – the report of International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty (ICISS) (2002). A significant attention is given to such components of the concept “The Responsibility to Protect” as responsibility to respond, responsibility to prevent humanitarian crises, and restoration afterwards. Analysis is conducted on the key criteria for forced intervention, including: right authority, just cause, right intention, last resort, proportional means, and reasonable prospects. The scientific novelty consists in the author’s revelation of the fact that this concept laid the foundation for conflict of laws with regards to a number of fundamental norms and principles of modern international law. As a result of the analysis the author comes to a conclusion that the concept of “The Responsibility to Protect” a priori contained a potential attempt to review a number of norms and principles of international law, and revise the positions of the UN Charter and work of this global organization.


Unite Nations, UN Security Council, NATO, Responsibility to protect, Legal norm, Criteria, Concept, ICISS, Authority, Proportionality

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