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Law and Politics

Borodach M.V. Management category in the context of the problem of developing a scientific definition of public domain

Abstract: In this work an attempt is made to formulate a substantiated approach towards development of a scientific definition of public domain of the basis of management category. The author conducts a critical analysis of the existing concepts that elaborate the content of public domain, and makes a conclusion on the impossibility of applying the classic triad of property rights (right to own, use, and manage) to solve this task. This work proposes to view the management category as the conceptual center of the perceptions of public domain, but without acknowledgement of any type of rights of ownership behind it. The author defends the position according to which the management pertaining to the area of public domain must be perceived within the ontological framework of the phenomenon described using this category, without any kind of speculative limitations justified by the tasks and peculiarities of jurisprudence. From these positions the author substantiates the conclusion that management of objects of public domain within a strict sense of this notion can lie only in the plane of the fact, and not the right. On the contrary, the notion of management in its broad sense, as an activity process that is intended to influence the behavior of people in the sphere of public domain, corresponds with the constitutional legal nature of the phenomenon of public domain and is sufficient enough to reveal the entire multifacetedness of its practical manifestations within juridical practice, and moreover, outside the framework of the traditional triad of property rights.


triad of proprietary rights, definition, public authority, public domain, public interests, impact, management, public proprietor, legal being, legal relations

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